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Project Calendar

Read over the calendar to ensure you know the approaching deadlines. Updates generated from Google Calendar account

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The AMS Student Technology Team is focused on providing the next genreation of college and career ready students with tech skills in high demand in the 21st century marketplace. We provide site tech support, student and teacher tech tutorials, and we constantly challenge our own skills in forging the school yearbook, serving as webmasters for our district webpages, and maintaining our vlog.


One of our largest undertakings as the Student Technology team is the creation of our school yearbook. We create this yearbook through an online provider; Blurb OnDemand Publishing. To create a quality yearbook we are in constant need of cameras and digital publishing tools that strain our budget as well as community volunteers to assist at fundraising events and in training students. If you are interested in supporting the production of our yearbook we would welcome the opprotunity to speak with you; Contact us.

"All that is gold does not glitter..."

  • YouTube Metallic
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