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Teacher: Mr. Koppes     Course:         Math Intervention    

Room:     206                   Curriculum: ALEKS Middle School Math


Students are enrolled in this math class if they have shown one or more of the following: student has had multi-year decline on state math scores, student is entitled to extra support per IEP, or student has previously benefited from the program.



Teacher:     William Koppes, RST


Phone:        530-378-7060 ext. 6206


Technology Rotation

To ensure students have a well-rounded experience, the schedule to the right indicates the weekly usage rotation for  these devices.



60 % Weekly Progress (topics/hour usage)

20 % Quicktables

10 % Peer Tutoring

10 % Overall Progress (% course completion at progress reporting windows)


Students are expected to abide by the school rules:

be respectful, be responsible, be ethical.


Students who follow the rules will be successful in class and make academic growth in mathematics.


Those students who choose not to follow the rules will diminish their ability to make the most of this course.


Verbal and nonverbal cues will be used to support students. Students who need additional consequences or reinforcement will be assigned lunch detention with the teacher. Students who do not attend lunch detention will be assigned additional days and a phone call home will be made. Repeat offenders will be referred to the office for further action.


"All that is gold does not glitter..."

  • YouTube Metallic
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